From checking an order status or asking our experts for advice on a project to whether we have a specific product in stock, our team is ready to dive in to help.

Great Plains Pool Supply (GPS)
13891 West 101st Street
Lenexa, KS 66215
Hours of Operation
8:00AM – 5:00PM (CST) Mon. – Fri.
8:00AM – 12:00PM (CST) Sat. (April – July)
Closed Sundays
PHONE: 913.492.1520 x211, x212 or x216
TOLL FREE: 800.927.POOL (7665)
FAX: 913.492.2631
TOLL FREE FAX: 800.927.4286
TEXT: 913.492.1520
Pool & Spa Products (PSP)
10651 Harwin Drive, Ste #740
Houston, TX 77036
Hours of Operation
8:00AM – 5:00PM (CST) Mon. – Fri.
8:00AM – 12:00PM (CST) Sat. (April – August)
Closed Sundays
PHONE: 713.773.9000
TOLL FREE: 800.769.POOL (7665)
FAX: 713.773.9926
To place an order or speak with a pool professional:

Interested in Taking the Plunge? Come on in, the Water’s Fine!
When it comes to pools and spas, do you know your stuff? Then, we’re interested in hearing about your background and areas of expertise. Between your experience and our service and products, we may just get along swimmingly.
Please click “Apply Now” and be sure to attach a PDF copy of your resume.